~Transmedia story teling~ BCM112

This weeks lecture focused on Transmedia story telling: from blockbusters to hybrid content. The above video explains the meaning behind Transmedia story telling.

Henry Jenkins defines a Transmedia stories as “a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience.” Meaning, that each medium makes its own contribution to the unfolding of the story, which then creates an experience for the audience. An example of this would be Lara Croft which was originally made as a video game and was then transformed into a movie. This shows how the same story can be spread across different channels with variations made to it along the way. Transmedia stories show how the same story can have slight variations and can then be spread across various media channels.

Through transmedia storytelling the audience becomes actively involved (transmedia storytelling) ,they become collaborators of the story alongside the brand or cause. Thus, creating engagement with other audience members.

My rendition for this week is a sound cloud, its really not the best but I tried its just some beat and then the internet reading out my words.

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